V.R. KRISHNA IYER - A LIVING LEGEND by P. Krishnaswamy, Foreword by
Justice Michael Kirby President, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Australia,
2000 Edn.
Rs. 395
This biography ventures to project the life and personality of a unique human
being fighting, never retreating, nor relenting for the people whose rights are
clear to him because of a spiritual commitment which energises his activities
regardless of his age - Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer. Justice Krishna Iyer is a
multi-faceted personality with varied commitments to the cause of human rights,
an ardent and active advocate of, in others view, lost causes needs the services
of a modern day. Boswell or the pen of a Plutarch, a Veda Vyasa or a Valmiki. It
is a simple tribute to this great soul, the Greatest Humanist of this century.
MY LIFE - LAW AND OTHER THINGS by Motilal C. Setalvad, With an
Introduction by Fali S. Nariman, Reprinted 2000
Rs. 325
Motilal C.
Setalvad's inheritance was rich in law. His father Sir Chimanlal was a great
lawyer, but his stature as an advocate did not match his legal acumen. My senior
Sir Jamshedji Kanga used to say that Chimanlal was one of the greatest lawyers
he had seen, and Bhulabhai Desai was one of the greatest advocates he had ever
heard. Kanga, himself a giant at the Bar, knew what he was talking about.
Chimanlal and Kanga, and Bhulabhai (though years younger) were all good friends.
Motilal was both a great lawyer and a great Advocate. He ennobled the consummate
art of the advocate. A brief, cogent and logical argument came to be described
in his own lifetime as being in the Motilal Setalvad style - the greatest
tribute to an advocate. Brevity to him was not just a piece of advice for the
practising lawyer - it was a word to live by. There were no cobwebs in his
well-stocked and well-ordered mind. He was precise - at times so precise that
after having expressed himself in a few short sentences he felt there was really
nothing more to be said in the case. Those who saw and heard Motilal know that
his greatest contribution as an advocate was the example he set - putting across
the best points in the briefest possible space of time.
DIMENSIONS OF JUSTICE by Justice J.S. Verma, 2000 Edn.
Rs. 325
During his tenure
on the bench of the High Court and the Supreme Court of India for over a quarter
century, Justice J.S. Verma has seen the working of the judicial process from
within. He himself delivered many judgements that have made judicial history.
The speeches and writings presented here reflect his deep thinking on what may
be called the new dimensions of justice covering a wide variety of topics
connected with judicial review, need for reforms, eradication of corruption and
restoration of values, human rights, gender justice, duties of citizens,
accountability of publicmen, judicial accountability, socio-economic justice,
etc. The book will enable the readers to better appreciate how the process
labelled as judicial activism as devised to fulfill the aspirations of the
people and what perceptions influenced Justice Verma's decisions and functioning
as a judge.